Merry Christmas and an Happy New Year to all!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Title: ROBIN e MARY - Il Mistero del Quipu - Il golem - Il castello degli orrori
Artist: Testi di Giorgio Pezzin – Disegni di Roberto Marini
Developer: Giorgio Pezzin Software © Nicola Brisotto
Pages: 96
Genre: action
Date of publication: 2011
Language: Italian
Price: 0,79€ n°1, 1,59€ n°2-3
Platform(s): iPad
iTunes 1 2 3
Official site
Italian Only
# 1 - Il Mistero del Quipu
Testi di Giorgio Pezzin – Disegni di Roberto Marini
Il convento di Colleverde, situato su una collina che domina la città, è abitato da frati missionari impegnati ad aiutare la gente in ogni parte del mondo. Immaginate quante storie avranno da raccontare!
Capita che Robin, un ex trovatello allevato proprio da questi frati, abbia deciso di aiutarli impegnandosi per loro in mirabolanti avventure, per poi raccontarle ne “Il Fulmine”, il giornale per cui lavora. Ovviamente, in cambio dell’esclusiva, il direttore del giornale contribuisce alla raccolta di fondi per i poveri.
Purtroppo la Banda Volponi tenta continuamente di mettere le mani su quel denaro, e se i mezzi di quei furfanti sono limitati eccoli allearsi spesso con Losco Farabutti, cinico finanziere senza scrupoli che da anni cerca di impadronirsi della collina del convento per le sue losche speculazioni.
Robin non è solo nelle sue imprese. Spesso infatti è accompagnato da tre ragazzi più giovani, Alì, Alex e Giada, anch’essi ex trovatelli.
E poi c’è Mary Bodoni, la figlia del direttore del giornale per cui lavora Robin. Convinta femminista e decisa a farsi largo nella vita, non renderà la vita facile al nostro eroe, spaccone e dongiovanni.
Chissà chi l’avrà vinta!
“IL MISTERO DEL QUIPU” é la prima avventura della serie, una storia completa dove comprendiamo, tra l'altro, come si sono incontrati i personaggi e come le storie nascano anche da antichi misteri nascosti nei sotterranei del convento.
I frati scoprono infatti un Quipu, un antico oggetto inca che può decifrare una misteriosa mappa che può far scoprire un grande tesoro. Ma Losco Farabutti viene a saperlo e fa di tutto per boicottare Robin e Mary, aiutato dai furfanti della banda Volponi che rubano la mappa e partono per il Perù.
Così Robin e Mary dovranno usare tutte le loro risorse e la loro intelligenza per inseguire i ladri e fermarli prima che sia troppo tardi.
Non perdetevi la prima Grande Avventura di Robin e Mary!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Skinwalker, The Beginning Of The End

Title:Skinwalker, The Beginning Of The End
Artist: Massimo Rosi, Francesco Della Santa
Developer: Bookmaker Comics & Daniele Forlani
Genre: action, fantasy
Date of publication: 2011
Language: English
Price: 0,79€
Platform(s): iPad
Folklore mixes with the dangerous Russian corruption here in Moscow, far away from God. A dark and dreadful past stands between Nikolai and his quest for truth; a truth obscured by men of power and supernatural entities, forever binding them to a slow condemns.
BookmakerComics Association is pleased to publish "The Beginning Of The End" first episode of the series Skinwalker.
This comicbook App, using all the iPad features and an excellent browsing system, will drive you thru murders, conspiracies, Russian pagan mythology and the corruption of the modern society.
New episodes and updates coming soon, with new stories, artworks and extras constantly updated!
Welcome in Russia and prepare yourself, cause Moscow has never been so cold.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
A Charlie Brown Christmas
Title: A Charlie Brown Christmas
Artist: Charles M. Schulz
Developer: Loud Crow Interactive Inc.
Genre: comic strip
Date of publication: 1965, 2011 (digital)
Language: English
Price: $6.99 (on iTunes), € 5,07 (on Android Market)
Platform(s): iPad, Android, Amazon App Store, Barnes and Nobles Nook color/tablet
iTunes -
Android -
Amazon -
Barnes and Nobles -
"Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?!" Help Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and the entire Peanuts gang as they struggle to find the true meaning of Christmas. Peter Robbins, the original voice of Charlie Brown, narrates the rebirth of the 1965 animated classic as an interactive storybook complete with original dialogue and digitally remastered illustrations, animation, and music optimized for your Apple device.
Play Schroeder's piano, finger paint with the gang, go carolling with the Peanuts choir, and participate in the Spectacular Super-Colossal Neighborhood Christmas Lights and Display Contest to unlock decorations for your very own Charlie Brown Christmas Tree! With something to discover on every page, this is one interactive Peanuts adventure you won't want to miss this holiday season!!
Play Schroeder's piano, finger paint with the gang, go carolling with the Peanuts choir, and participate in the Spectacular Super-Colossal Neighborhood Christmas Lights and Display Contest to unlock decorations for your very own Charlie Brown Christmas Tree! With something to discover on every page, this is one interactive Peanuts adventure you won't want to miss this holiday season!!
- Original dialogue from the 1965 animated classic
- Captivating narration by Peter Robbins, the original voice of Charlie Brown
- Charming soundtrack featuring music and sound effects from the original show
- Decorate your own Charlie Brown Christmas Tree
- Participate in the Lights and Display Contest to unlock rewards
- Educational features such as word and note highlighting to help improve reading and musical skills
- Hear individual words spoken with the tap of a finger
- Touch and drag objects to make them “spring” to life or tilt to watch them slide and move
- Objects that literally pop out of the page to delight you and your family!
- Bookmark reveals handy "table of contents" to jump to any page in the book
- Universal App means this will play on all of your Apple Devices
charles schulz,
charlie brown,
comic book,
comic strip,
merry christmas,
sunday comic,
Friday, December 9, 2011
Title: TNTeens Issue 0
Number/issue: 1 (preview)
Genre: Superheroes
Date of publication: 2011
Language: English
Price: Free
Platform(s): PDF
Blue Monkey Studio Site
Something different today.
Blue Monkey Studio has released a pdf version of TNTeens #0, the comic it's the same of the iPad version but lacks the bonus pages.
You can found it in the download section of the BMS site.
Artist: Pietro Boscolo Zemelo
Story: Corrado Sesselego
Developer: Blue Monkey Studio
Pages: 8
Genre: Superheroes
Date of publication: 2011
Language: English
Price: Free
Platform(s): PDF
Blue Monkey Studio Site
Something different today.
Blue Monkey Studio has released a pdf version of TNTeens #0, the comic it's the same of the iPad version but lacks the bonus pages.
You can found it in the download section of the BMS site.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Title: Viber
Artist: Fabio Moretti
Developer: Matteo Sacco © C4DHotline & Matteo Sacco
Pages: plenty!
Genre: sci-fi
Date of publication: 2009
Language: English, Italian
Price: n° 1 $1.99, n°2 $2.99
Platform(s): iPhone, only n°1 for iPad
iTunes, 1 2 hd (iPad)
Official site
One hundred drawings. It's an hard work. An emergent author as Fabio can't publish his comic with traditional distribution
network. Too expensive. Welcome to first application substain by Friends and Official Italian Portal of Cinema4D.
Our mission is to provide at the author a fully artistic and multimedia support to publish own comic. With fews dollars , you can buy that comics and viewing from your iPhone
with our comics reader or buy a PDF High Res in our shop.
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